
first Siobhan Davies dance workshop 08/11/10

We were given the following piece of writing to use as a stimulus for an improvised solo;
How fresh, how calm,

Stiller than this of course

the air was in the early morning;

Like the flap of a wave;

the kiss of a wave;

chill and sharp and yet

We then picked out the parts of the passage which related to us most and used these words/phrases/ideas to create movement. My chosen words were sharp, cyclical (my interpretation of the nature of waves) and calm.

We were encouraged to, if we found ourselves using a gesture that we recognised as something we would normally do, to push it to one side and try and work through the movement to create something new. I found this very challenging working outside my comfort zone, but also found it quite helpful in exploring new movement.


Beginning my D-Traces project blog...

,The first thing involved in the D-traces project was a workshop with three memebers of Siobhan Davies Dance company (http://www.siobhandavies.com/). We discussed the importance of blogging and archiving dance works and processes.
We discussed the reasons blogging is extrememly helpful;
  • helps to rediscover work/movement material within choreographic process
  • helps to remember
  • helps with sharing work and create inspiration for other artists and practitioners
We were asked to create and iprovised solo from a given stimulus, which were recorded and photographs were taken of the process.

The session was extrememly helpful in understanding why blogging and archiving is a relevant and useful tool. I also gained more understanding in relation to creating improvised material and found I worked well with the style of process given.