
Silk Scarf Improvisation

Imagery taken from SRT session last year and from a filmed class (DVD) led by J. Skinner.

Image of a silk scarf being lowered onto the floor.
I chose this to work with, because I think it is an interesting image and gives the opportunity to work with different aspects. Folding, Stacking, Fluidity, Softening, Spiral, Continuity, Suspension.

At first working with the idea of my body being the scarf, imitating the movements.

This felt quite limiting and I felt that I was repeating similar movements often.
Distraction from the imagery, having to remind myself with simple movements.
Reminded me to use my torso.

I could of worked my way through each body part, much like the silk scarf.



Improvisation   17/01/12
Amy Voris' interests in changeability of self and body, how the body holds a movement history and the ability to flip from one experience to another.

Create a floor pattern working solo and in group

Negotiated study

The use of imagery as a tool to translate and enable movement.
Particularly Skinner Releasing Technique and its use of imagery


At this moment I am interested in the use of imagery and how it can enable and aid natural and organic movement.
I am also interested in learning more about my body and understanding how it moves and applying this to technique and phrase based movement.


How does vision affect the way I move?
Eyes open, looking outwards in a state of performance.
Eyes closed ane between more of an internal feeling - dancing for myself


Someone's home.

Looking up as if one, swaying with.
Wind as the communication with the earth and the trees.
Felt so connected, laughing with an old childhood friend.
Playing games, completely trusting, chasing, IMP, hiding.
Trees communicate through leaves, roots and WIND
To say goodbye, painful but had warmth.
Personality of the wind.


Using my centre
Full of breath, of movement
Light from my centre shines out through my spine and out of the top of my head.
Rays of light

A centre with eyes and ears, which sees and hears.


African Dance
Feel out of my depths
Closed myself off
How can something like this cause such a strong reaction?